Sunday, March 20, 2011

To Every Season

Yesterday the skies were bright blue in London. It seemed like the first time in a long time that I actually saw the color of the sky, without hazy clouds dimming the brilliance of the blue. The warmth of the sun felt so good on my face. Spring.

I am so thankful for the changing of seasons -- in the world as well as in life. That even in the seemingly bleakest days of winters, we can hold on to the promise that things will change. Crocuses will push up through hard ground, daffodils will bloom, trees with sprout green leaves. It can be hard in the midst of winter’s grayness to remember this. But that doesn't make it any less true.

I can only imagine in Japan right now it seems almost impossible to believe that life will ever return to areas devastated by ruptured earth, waves and nuclear fears. And I doubt life will ever look exactly the same. But I have hope that life will return and believe in a God who is able to restore even the most broken things, to heal even the most ruptured lives.

If anything, this past month seems to prove that nothing in this world is stable. Not governments, not buildings, not landscapes. It definitely shakes you up. But I don't think that's a bad thing. Too often I cling to things that are passing, that won't last. Only one thing will; and He won't fail us or forsake us. And we can stand with solid feet on that firm foundation. Whatever the season.

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