Monday, June 14, 2010

God Only Knows

I think it was love at first sight.

The first time I read a book by Henri Nouwen, I just knew. He was my soulmate.

I suppose being someone who values words so much, it was natural.

And his words have meant a lot to me over the years. I read "Life of the Beloved" after a hard breakup and it helped soothe an aching soul with truths I needed to read. I remember finding "A Cry for Mercy" in a dusty corner of the Borders near the World Financial Center, at a time when I desperately needed God.

Last week, when my melancholy self was struggling yet again to make sense of this life and my faith, I found myself comforted by words from a familiar voice – one a little further down the road.

And sometimes you just need someone to remind you that you’re normal…

“My reading about the spirituality of the desert has made me aware of the importance of “nepsis.” Nepsis means mental sobriety, spiritual attention direction to God, watchfulness in keeping the bad thoughts away, and creating free space for prayer. While working with the rocks I repeated a few times the famous words of the old desert fathers: “fuge, tace, et quiesce” (live in solitude, silence, and inner peace), but only God knows how far I am, not only from this reality but even from this desire.”

1 comment:

  1. I love you and cannot wait for time together next week in our city. xo
